
The methodology of Silat is to develop a superior level of spiritual, physical and mental fitness. Students are motivated to learn in a positive and safe atmosphere of encouragement and fun. Discipline is taught through in a firm but loving manner. Students who participate in the program have also increased in self-confidence, focus, discipline and physical fitness. Students are rewarded for mastering Silat techniques as well as accomplishments in school, etc.

At our Pencak Silat Martial Arts School, we have developed specialized curriculums catering to different age groups, ensuring a focused and age-appropriate learning experience. The Satria Muda Curriculum is designed for children 12 and under, while adolescents and adults 13 and up engage with the Jawara Muda Curriculum. Both programs emphasize Silat Olahraga, providing a robust foundation in Silat’s fundamental aspects: kuda-kuda (stances), langkah (footwork), pukulan (punching/striking), and tendangan (kicking).

Progression in our school is marked by regular evaluations every six months, culminating in the Bi-annual belt test, often held outdoors at a local park for a refreshing and natural ambiance. Students ascend through a sequence of belt colors: white, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, and finally, red. To advance from one belt to the next, students must earn four stripes, indicating their mastery and readiness.

At our Pencak Silat Martial Arts School, we have developed specialized curriculums catering to different age groups, ensuring a focused and age-appropriate learning experience. The Satria Muda Curriculum is designed for children 12 and under, while adolescents and adults 13 and up engage with the Jawara Muda Curriculum. Both programs emphasize Silat Olahraga, providing a robust foundation in Silat’s fundamental aspects: kuda-kuda (stances), langkah (footwork), pukulan (punching/striking), and tendangan (kicking).

Progression in our school is marked by regular evaluations every six months, culminating in the Bi-annual belt test, often held outdoors at a local park for a refreshing and natural ambiance. Students ascend through a sequence of belt colors: white, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, and finally, red. To advance from one belt to the next, students must earn four stripes, indicating their mastery and readiness.

For younger students, the requirement is to master 3-4 techniques per stripe, or about 12-15 techniques/jurus (series of moves) for each belt. In contrast, older students face a more challenging regimen. They are required to learn between 30 and 40 techniques every six months, with approximately 8-9 moves per stripe level. This gradual increase in complexity ensures that as our students mature, so too does the depth and breadth of their Silat knowledge and skills.

Tournament participation is integral to our curriculum, especially for advanced students, who must compete in at least two divisions: traditional forms and sparring. This competitive experience is vital in honing their skills and understanding of Silat in real-world scenarios.

Supporting our comprehensive and structured training program is the Silat Institute App (IOS and Android) accessible to all enrolled students. This digital platform offers detailed technique tutorials, allowing students to practice and review at home. Moreover, it keeps track of each student’s school ranking, based on their involvement in tournaments and Silat-related activities, ensuring a holistic and immersive training journey in the art of Pencak Silat.

Silat Martial Arts of Virginia is committed to quality instruction in the martial arts and many of its students have received first place in local and national tournaments. In addition to this, our students have excelled not only physically and athletically , but have also achieved highest honors in their academic endeavors. Our students have been accepted to top universities and continue to excel in many areas.